Top 10 Religious Countries in World

top 10 religious countries

Are you looking for the Top 10 Religious Countries in World? Check the Full Ranking of Religious Countries in World. Determining the “most religious” countries can be subjective and depends on various factors like religious adherence, cultural practices, and societal attitudes towards religion. Here’s an expanded list of countries that are often considered among the most religious, taking into account different religious affiliations:

1. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is often regarded as one of the most religious countries in the world due to its status as the birthplace of Islam and the presence of two of the holiest cities in Islam, Mecca, and Medina. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and is home to the two holiest cities in Islam, Mecca, and Medina. The country follows a strict interpretation of Sunni Islam, particularly the Wahhabi or Salafi school of thought. The government derives its legitimacy from its role as the custodian of Islam’s two holiest sites. Saudi Arabia implements Sharia law, which governs various aspects of daily life, including family matters, criminal justice, and personal conduct. The legal system is based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law. Islamic practices are deeply ingrained in Saudi society, with daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, and adherence to Islamic moral codes being common. So, it it in the 1st position in the ranking of top 10 religious countries in the world.

2. Iran

Iran is a country with a rich history and a significant religious influence, particularly within the realm of Shia Islam. Iran is predominantly Shia Muslim, with approximately 90-95% of the population adhering to Twelver Shia Islam, which is the official state religion. The Shia branch of Islam holds distinct theological beliefs and practices compared to Sunni Islam, including veneration of the Twelve Imams and mourning rituals during Muharram, particularly the remembrance of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom. Iran is an Islamic republic, with its political system based on the principles of Shia Islam. The Supreme Leader, who is a high-ranking Shia cleric, holds ultimate authority, overseeing various branches of government, including the judiciary, military, and media. So, it it in the 2nd position among the top 10 religious countries in the world.

3. India

India is a diverse country with a rich tapestry of religious traditions, making it one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world. Hinduism is the largest religion in India, with the majority of the population identifying as Hindus. Hinduism is a complex and diverse religious tradition with a wide array of beliefs, practices, and deities. It encompasses various sects, philosophies, and rituals, and it has deeply influenced Indian culture, art, and philosophy for millennia. Islam is the second-largest religion in India, comprising a significant minority of the population. India has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world, and Islam has a long history in the Indian subcontinent, dating back to the 7th century. Indian Muslims follow various traditions within Islam, including Sunni, Shia, and Sufi practices. So, it it in the 3rd position in the list of top 10 religiouscountries in the world.

4. Indonesia

Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority country and boasts a rich tapestry of cultural and religious diversity. Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, with Islam being the most widely practiced religion in the country. The majority of Indonesian Muslims adhere to Sunni Islam, with a significant minority following Shia Islam and other sects. Islam in Indonesia has been heavily influenced by local cultural traditions, resulting in a unique form of Islam known as “Islam Nusantara.” Despite being predominantly Muslim, Indonesia is characterized by religious diversity, with significant populations of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and followers of indigenous faiths. The Indonesian state officially recognizes six religions: Islam, Christianity (Protestantism and Catholicism), Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. So, it is in 4th position in the ranking of Top 10 Religious Countries.

5. Pakistan

Pakistan is an Islamic republic in South Asia with a predominantly Muslim population. Islam is the state religion of Pakistan, and the majority of its population adheres to Sunni Islam, with a significant minority following Shia Islam. The country’s constitution and legal system are based on Islamic principles, and Islam plays a central role in shaping Pakistani culture, society, and governance. Pakistan was established as an Islamic state in 1947, following the partition of British India. The country’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, envisioned Pakistan as a homeland for Muslims where they could practice their faith freely and govern themselves according to Islamic principles. Pakistan’s legal system incorporates elements of Islamic law (Sharia), particularly in matters related to family law, inheritance, and personal status. So, it is in 5th position in the list of Top 10 Religious Countries.

6. Egypt

Egypt is a country with a rich history and a significant religious heritage, particularly in the realm of Islam. Islam is the predominant religion in Egypt, with the majority of the population adhering to Sunni Islam, the largest branch of Islam worldwide. Egypt has a long history as a center of Islamic scholarship and culture, dating back to the early Islamic caliphates. The country is home to numerous mosques, religious institutions, and historical sites related to Islam. Egypt’s legal system is based on a combination of civil law and Islamic law (Sharia). While Egyptian law is largely secular, certain aspects of personal status law, such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance, are governed by Islamic law. The Al-Azhar University, located in Cairo, is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious Islamic institutions, providing education in Islamic jurisprudence and theology.

7. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia with a diverse religious landscape. Islam is the predominant religion in Bangladesh, with the majority of the population being Sunni Muslims. The country has a rich Islamic heritage, with mosques, madrasas, and Islamic cultural institutions playing significant roles in Bangladeshi society. In addition to Islam, Bangladesh is home to religious minorities, including Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians. While Muslims constitute the majority of the population, religious minorities contribute to the country’s cultural diversity and heritage. Bangladesh’s constitution guarantees secularism and freedom of religion. The state is officially secular, and religious freedom is protected by law. However, Islam holds a special status as the state religion, and Islamic principles influence certain aspects of governance and public life.

8. Nigeria

Nigeria is a country in West Africa with a diverse religious landscape. Islam is one of the major religions in Nigeria, particularly prevalent in the northern regions of the country. The majority of Nigerian Muslims are Sunni, following various Islamic traditions and schools of thought. Islam has a rich history in Nigeria, dating back to the 11th century, and has significantly influenced Nigerian culture, society, and governance. Christianity is also a major religion in Nigeria, with a significant portion of the population identifying as Christian. Nigerian Christians belong to various denominations, including Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches. Christianity was introduced to Nigeria by European missionaries during the colonial period and has since become deeply rooted in Nigerian society, particularly in the southern regions of the country.

9. Turkey

Turkey, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has a unique blend of modernity and tradition, shaped by its rich history and diverse cultural influences. Islam is the predominant religion in Turkey, with the majority of the population identifying as Muslims. The country has a predominantly Sunni Muslim population, with a small minority of Shia Muslims. Islam has played a significant role in shaping Turkish culture, society, and identity for centuries. Turkey is officially a secular state, with a constitution that guarantees freedom of religion and prohibits religious discrimination. The Turkish Republic was founded on principles of secularism by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the early 20th century, aiming to modernize and westernize Turkish society and separate religion from state affairs.

10. Iraq

Iraq, located in the Middle East, has a rich history and a diverse religious landscape. Islam is the predominant religion in Iraq, with the majority of the population being Muslims. The country has a significant Shia Muslim majority, particularly in the southern regions, while Sunni Muslims are the majority in areas such as Baghdad and the western provinces. Islam has played a central role in shaping Iraqi culture, society, and governance for centuries. Iraq is home to some of the holiest Shia shrines, including the shrines of Imam Ali in Najaf and Imam Hussein in Karbala. Shia Islam holds a prominent position in Iraqi religious and political life, and Shia religious leaders wield significant influence, both domestically and regionally. Sunni Muslims constitute a significant minority in Iraq, with Sunni communities residing predominantly in central and western regions of the country.

Ranking of Religious Countries

The level of religiosity can vary within each country and across different regions. Additionally, the criteria used to determine religiosity may vary, leading to different rankings. Check out the ranking of religious countries below:

Positiion Religious Countries
Saudi Arabia

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It has already been ruled out by scientists. Humans could not possibly have been descended from a single couple.

Slovakia is the only member state of the European Union without a mosque.

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